An important method to improve SMT equipment mounting rate
5S is an environmental shaping program developed by Japanese companies, whose purpose is to create a clean, bright and lively environment through five behaviors: finishing (SEIRI), cleaning (SEITON), cleaning (SEISO), cleaning (SEIKETSU) and body beauty (SHITSUKE), in order to improve efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction. In the original (Japanese), these five items all start with an "S" as their pronunciation, so this solution is called "5S". The object of the material belt 5S activity was originally for the on-site environment, it comprehensively considers the overall production site environment, and makes practical plans and measures, so as to achieve standardized management, many companies extend to office management to improve office efficiency, common methods for red card combat, signage and derived visual management.

ABC Activity-Based Costing

ABC and ABM(Activity-Base Management) activity-based cost management, based on activity-based cost allocation, can be applied to 

pricing decisions, production and capacity decisions, product management, customer management and enterprise strategies in 

enterprise management, and has the characteristics of providing real-time, effective and accurate information for decision makers. 

For enterprises to create a competitive advantage, it has a considerable function, which is often the oldest bookkeeping and computer

 classification system, due to the large amount of accounting data, before the computer has not been widely used, it must adopt 

various simplifications such as the allocation ratio, but simplification may lead to distortion.

ASP Application Service Provider

To provide IT business application services and management services to enterprises, mainly through software and hardware rental or 

leasing form to implement, service provider's income and profit from the rent of customers.

AVL Approved Vendor List (Approved Vendor List)

Among the many suppliers that provide enterprise products or services, some meet the company's policies and requirements for 

products and services, and become qualified or approved suppliers.

BOM (Bill Of Material)

Generally also known as the product structure table or material structure table, it is used to indicate that a product (finished or semi-

finished) is composed of those components or raw materials combined with the details of the component elements, the amount of the 

element to form a single product is called the base amount, BOM is the basis of all MRP system, if the BOM table is wrong, then all 

material requirements will be incorrect. Tianhan defines level 90 as PCBA

Level 95 is a program for the Driver or Bundle

Level 97 is an Engine or a combined host

Grade 98 for products with packaging box (without outer box)

BPR Business Process Reengineering

Caring for the needs of customers, thinking and re-designing the existing business process, using new manufacturing, information 

technology and modern management means to break the traditional functional Organization structure. Establish a new Process-

Oriented Organization. Taking the operation process as the center, breaking the pyramid-shaped organizational structure, enabling 

enterprises to adapt to the high efficiency and fast pace of the new economy, allowing employees to participate in enterprise 

management, realizing effective communication between the upper and lower left and the right inside the enterprise, and having 

strong adaptability and greater flexibility. There are three main principles of BPR:

One. Customer-centric: All employees establish the principle of customer service center. The customer can be external, for example, in a 

retail business enterprise, the counter clerk directly faces the real customer; 

It can also be internal, such as a tally clerk in a shopping mall whose customers are the counter team in the store. The quality of each 

person's work is judged by his "customers," not by supervisors.

two. The business of the enterprise is centered on the "process" rather than a professional functional department. A process is a series 


related functional departments to complete, reflected in the creation of beneficial services for customers. Impediments to process 

operation will be removed, the significance of functions will be reduced, and redundant departments and overlapping processes will be 


three. "Process" improvement needs to be effective. The improved process increases efficiency, eliminates waste, improves customer 

satisfaction and company competitiveness, and reduces overall process costs.